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Friday, September 19, 2008


This psychic phenomenon involves communication between minds, and includes transference of thoughts, ideas, feelings, and mental images, among others. It can simply be called the direct communication between minds. Always thought of as a special ability that only psychics and mystics possessed, many tribal societies, including the aborigines of Australia, considered telepathy as a normal human faculty. Today, scientific studies are still being conducted on this psychic phenomenon.

However, studies on telepathy is not new. Telepathy happens to be the first paranormal and psychic phenomenon to be scientifically studied when the American Society for Psychical Research was founded in 1885.

Explaining Telepathy

Everyone has heard about telepathy. Some people may even have experienced it. All humans have the ability to communicate by thought process, and it is not as rare as it was thought to be. Just as some are born with various natural talents – the ability to swim, or to play a sport – similarly some are born with a natural ability to communicate telepathically. As a matter of fact, all humans have this inherent talent, but we do not get the chance to develop it.

There are two patterns to communicating telepathically. Either the sender and the receiver of thoughts do not see each other, or are in a position to see each other. In the first case, distance does not matter. Whether the sender and the receiver are across the town, or half way across the globe, a feeling, an impression, or just an image is transferred. In the second case, both can see each other, and communicate logical thoughts clearly.

Communicating through telepathy has three major forms:

• Transmission Of Feelings – This is the most common form of telepathic communication, even among animals.
• Transmission Of Emotions And Images – This form of telepathic communication is the most common among humans.
• Transmission Of Words – This is not an easy way of communication, and requires training.

Telepathic Theories

Many theories have been advanced about how telepathy works, and all do not explain adequately. Democritus, a philosopher of ancient Greece had theories about wave and corpuscle. The 19th century British chemist and physicist – William Crookes – thought telepathy depended on radio-like brain waves. The 20th century Soviet scientist – L. L. Vasilies put forth the electromagnetic theory. Lawrence LeShan – the American psychologist – thought each human had his/her own personal reality. According to his theory, mystics and psychics had their own separate spaces, different from other people, which allowed them access to information other could not have.

Though it may be difficult to test telepathy systematically, just as it would be difficult to test other forms of psychic phenomena, enough evidence is available to ensure that this paranormal phenomenon does exist.

learn pyrokinesis

Pyrokinesis consists not only of creating a fire but also having an ability to manipulate it and have a good control over it. Try the following to develop and train your pyrokinetic skills:

• Extinguishing A Match – You can start with this technique. Relax and sit down in a comfortable position. Light a match and focus on the flame to the exclusion of everything else. While focusing only on the flame, visualize it going out. You will need to concentrate hard and exercise a lot of will power. This will require a lot of concentration and practice, and the flame will go out. Many people trying this out are able to put the flame out. It is the relighting that is the hard part. Once you succeed in putting the flame out, concentrate on trying to bring the flame back. This will require a few weeks, and you will begin to notice a tiny ember beginning to turn red. Continuous practice will relight the flame. This is the easiest technique to help develop and train yourself in pyrokinesis.
• Lighting A Candle – Calm yourself by meditating. You need to concentrate on the wick of the candle, visualizing it to consist of thousands of minute dots, swirling around. Concentrate on visualizing them swirling faster and faster, sense them becoming hot, feel them becoming hotter and hotter, and visualize them glowing. When you are able to visualize the swirling dots glowing, bring some of your focus back to the wick as a whole, but keep on visualizing the glowing dots. Start to visualize seeing the whole wick becoming hot and starting to glow. Once you reach this stage, visualize the wick bursting into a flame.

Do not ever think that you may be able to accomplish this in a short time. You need to be patient, and need to concentrate hard. You also need to have a strong aura.

Some people use the power of their auras to put out the flame of a candle. To try this, they need to be adept at extinguishing the fires. They begin by placing their hands on either side of the candle flame, palm inwards. The palms are about half an inch from the flame. They direct their energies into the flame, willing the flame to extinguish. This is quite an advanced technique, and the person needs to have quite a strong aura for it to work.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Henna tattoos

Henna tattoos, also known as Mehndi, is another form of temporary tattoo. Coming from a south Asian tradition, henna uses marks made by the stains of silver nitrate on the skin when exposed to ultraviolet light. Traditional henna is drawn in geometrical patterns on the hands, feet, and face, but modern henna is applied in any shape anywhere on the body. Unlike other forms of temporary tattoos, henna does not allow for a full range of colors but only shades of reds, browns, and blacks. Also, the process of applying the tattoo and allowing it to absorb ultra-violet light, means that henna tattos once done take minutes, not seconds to be ready, like other temporary tattoos. However, with this extended finishing time, comes a long lasting result. Most henna tattoos can take up to two weeks to fade from the skin.

"Beauty or the Beast"

A temporary tattoo is an image on the skin resembling a true tattoo, but is non-permanent. Temporary tattoos can be drawn, painted, or airbrushed, but most of the time these tattoos are transferred to the skin. Temporary tattoos of any kind are used for numerous purposes including self-expression, identification, and advertising. For example, actors who wish to add to their character's distinctiveness might take temporary tattoos painted on the skin by hand or using stencils as part of their cosmetic ritual.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bisnis Dengan Mudah Lewat Internet

Ilmu ekonomi klasik mengemukakan empat faktor produksi, yaitu tenaga kerja, bahan baku, modal atau capital dan tanah. Internet merupakan jaringan besar yang dibentuk oleh interkoneksi jaringan komputer dan komputer tunggal di seluruh dunia, lewat saluran telepon, satelit, dan sistem telekomunikasi lainnya. Bisnis pun bisa dibangun lewat internet. Caranya dengan membuat website atau blog. Jika Anda belum terampil membuat website maka Anda bisa menyuruh orang yang ahli membuat web. Atau jika malas untuk keluar uang lebih maka Anda bisa mencoba cara kedua, yaitu membuat blog. Salah satunya adalah melalui yang masih mengusung tema free blog. Cara-caranya pun juga diajarkan step by step. Bagi yang awam terhadap code HTML/Javascript jangan langsung mundur karena lewat situs tersebut Anda akan diberi banyak kemudahan, yaitu berupa template secara gratis. Yang lebih menggiurkan lagi, juga menyediakan fitur untuk mendaftarkan blog kita ke program Google Adsense dari peralatan yang ada di dalam Melalui program Google Adsense itulah anggota bisa mendapatkan keuntungan financial. Memasarkan produk yang ada di dalam website atau blog bisa lewat milis. Milis adalah media penyebaran informasi dengan menggunakan email. Untuk bergabung, Anda harus memiliki. Langkah selanjutnya mendaftarkan email tersebut dengan cara masuk ke situs Kemudian Anda tinggal mengikuti syarat yang diajukan untuk menawarkan produk Anda kepada umum lewat milis tersebut. Setelah menjadi member, Anda akan mendapat banyak email dari member lain. Ini kesempatan bagus untuk memasarkan produk kita sekaligus mencari bahan baku atau bahan lainnya yang ditawarkan member lain. Strategi lainnya, blog atau website milik kita juga harus menarik dan informatif supaya orang rajin mengunjungi blog kita. Di dalamnya harus dicantumkan nama dan nomor telepon yang mudah dihubungi pembeli. Dan karena bisnis lewat dunia maya membutuhkan kepercayaan, maka identitas penjual harus jelas dan aturan main harus dicantumkan dengan jelas. Yang paling utama, pembayaran selalu dilakukan terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu baru barang dikirim. Jadi posisi pembeli betul-betul harus percaya pada penjualnya. Tugas penjualnyalah meyakinkan calon pembeli. Saran lain, usahakan agar memunculkan sesuatu yang jadi kebutuhan orang. Misalnya, menambahkan tips memasak atau informasi apapun yang sifatnya pengetahuan. Lewat tips, tulisan sederhana, bahkan resep kita sudah menciptakan kepercayaan dari pembeli. merupakan toko online terbaik pada tahun 2002 menurut versi majalah Yahoo. Amazon menyediakan berbagai macam produk, seperti produk kecantikan, kesehatan, buku, VCD, majalah, barang-barang elektronik, dan sebagainya. Komunitas dari Amazon ini mendapat potongan dalam berbelanja dan pengiriman gratis.

Barack Hussein Obama II

Obama is the juniour US Senator from Illinois and presidential nominee of the Democratic party in the 2008 general election.

Obama is the first american african to be nominated by a major political party for this office. His acceptance speech was given on August 28, 2008 at the 20008 Democratic National Convention. A graduate ofColumbia University and Harvard Law School where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil right attorney before serving in the Illinois senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representative in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote.

As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. After announcing his presidential campaign in February 2007, Obama emphasized withdrawing American troops from Iraq, energy independence, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and promoting universal health care as top national priorities.

  • Born : August 4, 1961 (1961-08-04) Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
  • Nationality : American
  • Political party : Democratic
  • Spouse : Michelle Obama (m. 1992)
  • Children : Malia Ann (b. 1998),
Natasha ("Sasha") (b. 2001)
  • Residence : (Kenwood), Chicago, Illinois
  • Almamater : Harvard Law School, Columbia University, Occidental College
  • Profession : Attorney, Politician
  • Signature :

saatnya introspeksi...!!!

Pernah ada anak lelaki dengan watak buruk.
> > > > > Ayahnya memberi dia sekantung penuh paku,dan menyuruh memaku satu batang paku di pagar pekarangan setiap kali dia kehilangan kesabarannya atau berselisih paham dengan orang lain.
> > > > > Hari pertama dia memaku 37 batang dipagar. Pada minggu-minggu berikutnya dia belajar untukmenahan diri, dan jumlah paku yang dipakainya berkurang dari hari ke hari. Dia mendapatkan bahwa lebih gampang menahan diri daripada memaku di pagar.
> > > > > Akhirnya tiba hari ketika dia tidak perlu lagi memaku sebatang paku pun dan dengan gembira disampaikannya hal itu kepada ayahnya.
> > > > > Ayahnya kemudian menyuruhnya mencabut sebatang paku dari pagar setiap hari bila dia berhasil menahan diri/bersabar.
> > > > > Hari-hari berlalu dan akhirnya tiba harinya dia bisa menyampaikan kepada ayahnya bahwa semua paku sudah tercabut dari pagar.Sang ayah membawa anaknya ke pagar dan berkata :
> > > > > "Anakku, kamu sudah berlaku baik,tetapi coba lihat betapa banyak lubang yang ada dipagar. Pagar ini tidak akan kembali seperti semula.Kalau kamu berselisih paham atau bertengkar dengan orang lain, hal itu selalu meninggalkan luka seperti pada pagar."
> > > > > "Kau bisa menusukkan pisau di punggung orang dan mencabutnya kembali, tetapi akan meninggalkan luka."
> > > > > "Tak peduli berapa kali kau meminta maaf/menyesal, lukanya sama perihnya seperti luka fisik."
> > > > > "Kawan-kawan adalah perhiasan yang langka."
> > > > > "Mereka membuatmu tertawa dan memberimu semangat."
> > > > > "Mereka bersedia mendengarkan jika itu kau perlukan, mereka menunjang dan membuka hatimu."
> > > > > "Tunjukkanlah kepada teman- temanmu betapa kau menyukai mereka."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Buat Sang Istri

Wahai sang Istri ....

Apakah akan membahayakan dirimu, kalau anda menemui suamimu dengan wajah yang berseri, dihiasi senyum yang manis di saat dia masuk rumah.?

Apakah memberatkanmu, apabila anda menghapus debu dari wajahnya, kepala, dan baju serta mengecup pipinya.?!!

Apakah anda akan merasa sulit, jika anda menunggu sejenak di saat dia memasuki rumah, dan tetap berdiri sampai dia duduk.!!!

Mungkin tidak akan menyulitkanmu, jika anda berkata kepada suami : Alhamdulillah atas keselamatan Kanda, kami sangat rindu kedatanganmu, selamat datang kekasihku.

Berdandanlah untuk suamimu -harapkanlah pahala dari Allah di waktu anda berdandan itu, karena Allah itu Indah dan mencintai keindahan- pakailah parfum, dan bermake up-lah, serta pakailah busana yang paling indah untuk menyambut suamimu.

Jauhi dan jauhilah bermuka asam dan cemberut. Janganlah anda mendengar dan menghiraukan perusak dan pengacau yang akan merusak dan mengacaukan keharmonisanmu dengan suami.

Janganlah selalu tampak sedih dan gelisah, akan tetapi berlindunglah kepada Allah dari rasa gelisah, sedih, malas dan lemah.

Janganlah berbicara terhadap laki-laki lain dengan lemah-lambut, sehingga menyebabkan orang yang di hatinya ada penyakit mendekatimu dan mengira hal-hal yang jelek terhadap dirimu.

Selalulah berada dalam keadaan lapang dada, hati tentram, dan ingat kepada Allah setiap saat. Ringankanlah suamimu dari setiap keletihan, kepedihan dan musibah serta kesedihan yang menimpanya.

Suruhlah suamimu untuk berbakti kepada ibu bapaknya.

Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan baik.

Isilah rumah dengan tasbih, tahlil, tahmid, dan takbir, perbanyaklah membaca Al-Quran terutama surat Al-Baqarah, karena surat itu dapat mengusir syeitan.

Hilangkanlah dari rumahmu foto-foto, alat-alat musik dan alat-alat yang bisa merusak agama.

Bangunkanlah suamimu untuk melaksanakan shalat malam, doronglah dia untuk melakukan puasa sunat, ingatkan dia akan keutamaan bersedekah, dan jangan anda menghalanginya untuk menjalin hubungan siraturrahim dengan karib kerabatnya.

Perbanyaklah beristighfar untuk dirimu, suamimu, serta kedua orang tua dan seluruh kaum muslimin.

Berdoalah kepada Allah, agar dianugerahkan keturunan yang baik, niat yang baik serta kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.
Ketahuilah sesungguhnya Rabbmu Maha Mendengar doa dan mencintai orang yang nyinyir dalam meminta.
Allah berfirman:Dan Rabbmu berkata : serulah Aku niscaya Aku penuhi doamu (Al-Ghafir : 60).

Diambil dari kitab Fiqh pergaulan suami istri oleh Syeikh Mushtofa Al Adawi.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

indigo bukan penyakit,

indigo itu bukan sakit, kalau sakit bukan indigo. Kalau tidak umum bukan sakit. Seperti nabi dia tidak umum, nabi dalam satu daerah kan dia tidak umum. Nabi Muhammad bahkan diusir karena tidak umum. Seperti halnya indigo tidak umum karena belum banyak orang menyinggung. Orangnya cerdas punya IQ tinggi, punya kemanusiaan tinggi, dalam usia 3-4 tahun sudah bisa ngomong, bicaranya sudah berbau filosofi, dan auranya indigo. Auranya disebut indigo kalau orangnya sehat. Kadang-kadang orang auranya indigo, wah ini indigo bukan, auranya harus sehat dulu. Kalau dominan indigo baru dibilang anak indigo.

indigo juga sering menunjukkan perilaku memberontak terhadap suatu otoritas, tidak patuh terhadap aturan atau adat, kesulitan dalam mengelola emosinya, sensitive atau rapuh. Tidak jarang pula menunjukkan sikap yang sangat dingin dan tidak punya perasaan. Terkadang orang akan melabelnya dengan indikasi gangguan ADD (attention deficit disorder). Bentuk perilaku tersebut terkadang menyebabkan kesulitan dalam melewati masa kanak-kanak, bahkan dalam melewati masa remaja.

Orang indigo punya pandangan mengetahui apa yang belum terjadi, Belum cukup, Indigo itu macam-macam, ada yang mendekati biru, mendekati ungu, nah yang mendekati ungu itu waskita segala macam, yang mendekati biru itu nalar, dia konseptor. Istilah indera keenam atau mata ketiga itu kan indera spiritual, manusia itu roh yang punya badan, roh itu inderanya indera rohani kalau badan indera jasmani. Keseimbangan, kalau banyak yang dipakai di badan, yang batin kurang. Hukum keseimbangan.

menurut ajaran spiritual dari India, ada satu mata lagi yang nggak keliatan, yang letaknya konon di antara dua alis kita, pas di tengah-tengah jidat. Sehingga kalo dijumlahin, mata kita semuanya ada tiga! Mata ketiga inilah si indera keenam tadi.

Oleh orang India, mata ketiga yang disebut dengan cakra ajna (cakra = sumber energi dalam tubuh manusia, sedangkan ajna = di tengah), dianggap sebagai indera yang spesial. Sebab, mata ketiga tersebut memungkinkan kita memiliki kemampuan-kemampuan lebih. Yaitu:

1. Telepathy (kemampuan membaca pikiran).
2. Clairvoyanc (kemampuan melihat peristiwa yang terjadi di tempat lain).
3. Precognition (kemampuan meramalkan kejadian yang akan datang).
4. Retrocognition (kemampuan buat melihat peristiwa di masa lampau).
5. Mediumship (kemampuan menggunakan roh sebagai medium).
6. Psychometri (kemampuan menggali informasi lewat sebuah benda).

Mengenal Karakteristik Anak Indigo

Sekarang ini sering kita dengar tentang anak indigo, bahkan tidak jarang kita temui anak-anak dengan kelebihan ini di sekitar kita. Telah banyak ahli yang meneliti mengenai karakteritik atau ciri sifat yang membedakan antara anak indigo dengan anak normal yang lain. Untuk itu tidak ada salahnya jika kita mengetahui tentang karakteritik dan perilaku seperti apa yang sering ditunjukkan oleh anak indigo ini.

Anak indigo merupakan generasi baru yang terlahir di dunia ini. Anak ini memiliki karakteristik yang unik yang membedakan dengan generasi sebelumnya. Istilah indigo ini mengindikasikan aura dalam warna kehidupan. Kata indigo sendiri diambil dari nama warna yaitu indigo, yang dikenal sebagai warna biru sampai violet. Indigo sendiri juga terkait dengan indera keenam yang terletak pada cakra mata ketiga yang menggambarkan intuisi dan kekuatan bathin yang luar biasa tajam di atas kemampuan orang kebanyakan. Banyak dari mereka memiliki kelebihan dengan bakat yang luar biasa atau secara akademis berprestasi. Anak yang mengalami indigo ini mampu menunjukkan empati yang sangat dalam dan mudah merasa iba, serta tampak bijaksana untuk anak seusianya.

Anak indigo datang ke dunia dengan berbagai misi. Kebanyakan dari mereka merupakan pendobrak suatu tatanan yang salah. Mereka bertugas meluruskan ketidakbenaran dan ketidaksesuaian yang terjadi disekelilingnya. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan perilaku mereka yang tidak patuh dan kesulitan dalam menjalankan dengan sistem yang ada, misalnya saja penolakan dan sikap kaku terhadap system pendidikan yang ada.

Anak indigo juga sering menunjukkan perilaku memberontak terhadap suatu otoritas, tidak patuh terhadap aturan atau adat, kesulitan dalam mengelola emosinya, sensitive atau rapuh. Tidak jarang pula anak menunjukkan sikap yang sangat dingin dan tidak punya perasaan. Terkadang orang akan melabel anak dengan indikasi gangguan ADD (attention deficit disorder). Bentuk perilaku tersebut terkadang menyebabkan kesulitan bagi anak-anak ini dalam melewati masa kanak-kanak, bahkan dalam melewati masa remaja (Chapman. 2006).

Menjadi indigo tidaklah mudah, tapi hal itu merupakan suatu tugas yang harus dijalankan. Anak indigo merupakan salah satu orang yang hadir dan membawa hal yang baru terhadap suatu kemajuan di bumi ini.

Jan Yordy seorang terapis yang menuliskan tentang anak indigo mencoba mengkategorikan karakteristik anak indigo yang sering ditemui :

- Memiliki keinginan yang kuat, mandiri dengan melakukan apa yang ada di pikirannya daripada mematuhi kehendak orangtua

- Bijaksana dan memiliki tingkat kesadaran dan kebersamaan yang melebihi pengalamannya;

- Secara emosi, mereka dapat dengan mudahnya bereaksi sehingga tidak jarang mereka memiliki permasalahan dengan kecemasan, depresi atau stress;

- Kreatif dalam berpikir dengan menggunakan otak kanan namun tetap harus berusaha belajar dengan menggunakan otak kiri terutama pada sistem di sekolah;

- Anak indigo sering didiagnosis mengalami ADD atau ADHD saat mereka menunjukkan perilaku impulsive (otak mereka memproses informasi lebih cepat) dan mereka harus tetap bergerak agar selalu fokus;

- Anak ini sangatlah peka dan dapat melihat, mendengar atau mengetahui sesuatu hal yang tidak dimiliki orang kebanyakan;

- Anak-anak ini belajar secara visual dan kinestetik, mereka dapat mengingat apa yang terekam dalam otak dan menciptakan melalui tangan;

- Apabila keinginan anak tidak terpenuhi, maka anak merasa kesulitan dan menjadi self centered. Meskipun hal ini bukanlah sifat sebenarnya;

- Anak memiliki potensi dan bakat yang luar biasa, namun dapat hilang begitu saja jika tidak sesuai dengan bentuk pengasuhan.

Dalam menangani anak indigo ini yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa mereka memiliki kesulitan dalam mengelola emosinya. Pada beberapa anak hal ini disebabkan karena permasalahan kecemasan, kemungkinan perilaku obsesif kompulsif atau kepanikan yang berlebih (panic attack). Penyebab lain muncul karena mereka berusaha keras untuk belajar dan memahami cara yang masih tradisional atau kebiasaan rutin. Sehingga tidak jarang bagi mereka akan memiliki self esteem yang rendah dan mudah menyerah dalam mengerjakan yang diberikan (tugas sekolah misalnya). Terkadang beberapa anak indigo menunjukkan reaksi kemarahan, depresi, bahkan menyakiti diri sendiri yang berlebih yang tidak dapat dijelaskan secara logis bahkan menakutkan bagi orangtuanya.

Warna aura indigo pada seorang anak memang bisa mengindikasikan banyak hal. Sebab, dikatakan Tom Suhalim, ahli aura dan fengsui, aura berkaitan dengan warna kepribadian. Suatu alat yang disebut aura video station berfungsi hanya untuk melihat keseimbangan aura pada seseorang. Pada anak indigo, selain ditunjukkan oleh warna aura, juga dibarengi dengan pola pikir dewasa. Diperkirakan di masa ini banyak jiwa yang sudah matang atau tua, tapi hidup dalam badan anak-anak.

“Sifat tubuhnya memang anak-anak, tapi soul-nya sudah kuat. Makanya kalau dia nyeletuk bukan seperti anak-anak lagi. Ada yang bicara, “Nenek dulu ’kan adik saya!’ Ada yang merasa selalu melihat sesuatu yang oleh awam disebut makhluk halus,” papar Dr. Tb. Erwin Kusuma, Sp.KJ, psikiater anak.

Banyak orangtua yang khawatir dengan kondisi anak seperti itu. Anak indigo memang kerap memperlihatkan tanda-tanda kejiwaan yang tidak lazim. Satu hal yang terlihat nyata dari anak indigo, tambah Dr. Erwin, adalah selalu bentrok dengan orangtua.

Hal ini juga pernah dialami Victor Chandrawira (39) yang juga memiliki sifat indigo. Saat kecil ia dicap sebagai pemberontak. Menurutnya, sikapnya itu bukan pemberontakan, melainkan melihat sesuatu dari sisi yang lain. Selain itu, Victor yang kini menjadi presiden direktur sebuah perusahaan konsultan untuk pengembangan sumber daya manusia ini juga memiliki berbagai pengalaman unik. Kala berada di Italia misalnya, ia disapa oleh seorang gipsi yang mengaku mengenal Victor sebagai seniman keliling yang hidup beberapa tahun lampau di sana.

Jiwa tua yang hadir dalam anak indigo juga kerap disebut oleh Tom dan Dr. Erwin sebagai bukti reinkarnasi atau jiwa yang terlahir kembali. Mereka memperkirakan, anak yang lahir dengan tipe jiwa tua akan bertambah banyak dalam periode mendatang.

Anak indigo memiliki getaran energi yang tinggi dengan pola yang menetap, yang kemudian ditunjukkan dengan aura warna indigo pada tubuhnya. Getaran tertinggi ini menciptakan perbedaan terhadap fungsi tubuh dan otak pada anak indigo. Kebanyakan dari mereka berpikir dengan menggunakan otak kanan. Saat stress anak kemudian mengembangkan pengaturan dalam otak, yang mengenyampingkan pemikiran logis dan proses berpikir rasional, sehingga muncul reaksi emosional yang berlebih. Ada pula anak yang menunjukkan dengan perilaku marah, kesedihan atau ketakutan yang mendalam bahkan kecemasan yang berlebih.

Memahami energi dasar dan mampu mengamati keadaan energi pada saat anak sedang tidak stabil sangatlah membantu bagi orang tua atau terapis, terutama saat bekerja sama dengan anak ini. Diperlukan adanya pemahaman dasar mengenai energi dengan mengajarkan pada mereka cara melindungi diri. Hal lain yang tidak kalah penting yaitu dengan mengajarkan anak indigo dan orang tuanya terhadap teknik dalam menyeimbangkan energi dan cara untuk mengurangi tingkat stress pada anak, sehingga anak tidak terpengaruh pada energi yang negatif.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Everyone is psychic. Some people are more so than others and every one of us possesses this ability. You do. I do. And we can further develop, train, and direct, what we already possess. . . expand our psychic potential until every measure of our lives is vastly improved. Psychic abilities are practical and usable. This is true because psychic abilities are merely extensions of faculties normal to us. For instance, clairvoyance extends the ability to see, clairaudience extends the ability to hear, telepathy - the ability to communicate, precognition - our sensing faculties, deja vu - past memory recall. Every psychic ability you've ever heard of is but an enhanced version of what is normal and typical for each member of the human race.
What does it take to extend our faculties? First and foremost, a positive attitude. . . plus the ability to relax and imagine and trust. Faculty extensions (what most people refer to as "psychic abilities) allow us to access multiple layers of information, and sometimes simultaneously. And they enable us to reach that wellspring of inner knowingness which resides in the deeper depths of our being. Our intent, that directive force of our attitudes and beliefs, determines the type of results we can achieve once we accept our psychic potential and begin the process of developing this inner resource. As with any other talent, practice makes perfect - use establishes value.
You may notice that the process of extending faculties normal to you has a special "feel" to it. This feeling signals the coming together of your head and your heart. When the energy of head and heart join and function as one unit, all aspects of yourself unite as if teammates working for the same goal.

Amazing things occur when this happens. You become healthier, happier, more loving and patient, wiser; and you attract more friends and exciting opportunities. Literally, to be alive, truly alive, is to be psychic. Developing your innate psychic abilities is one of the best investments you can make in creating a better future for yourself. The fact that you are reading this article tells me you are ready to take this positive step forward. So let's begin - right now!
What follows are the four basics necessary to improve and expand your psychic potential. They are: a positive attitude, the ability to relax, imagine, and trust. Simple explanations and easy exercises are provided.

Research has consistently shown that a positive state of mind automatically increases your psychic abilities. The more positive and enthusiastic you are, the more your faculties will stretch beyond any limitations you may have thought you had. Negative thinking or excessive skepticism (some skepticism is desirable), will impede this process or block it altogether.
To insure that you remain in a positive frame of mind, read uplifting and inspirational literature, at least a few pages, each morning before you go to work or begin your day's activities. This starts you out on the right foot, and helps you to maintain a sense of objectivity as the day progresses. Also use affirmations. Post them at eye level in your home; an especially good place is around or on your bathroom mirror. Make certain your affirmations can readily be seen, and that includes in your car and at work. Most bookstores and gift shops sell a broad range of such eye-catchers, or you can make your own. Try affirmations such as these:
l "Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better; I am becoming more and more."
l "I am peace. I am love. I am joy."
l "Health and wealth are my birthright, success my tool, kindness my standard."
"I am beautiful and loved RIGHT NOW, for I accept and express the goodness which resides
within me."l By noticing affirmations like these posted throughout your environment, your spirits will perk up; smiles will replace frowns. Incredible as it may seem, what you affirm on a regular basis often manifests in your life.

The more thoroughly you can relax while remaining consciously alert,the quicker you can unleash your heart's ability to feel and your mind's ability to create - hence, your psychic potential. Relaxation alters your state of consiousness. The deeper the relaxation, the more benefits you receive. As your brain decreases the speed of its brain waves, breathing slows from the normal twelve breaths per minute to about six, for the average person. When this happens your body uses less oxygen, thus enabling your metabolic rate to lower. The result? Tension and stress melt away. Cellular repair and new growth accelerate, as your body uses this opportunity to rid itself of toxins.

Relaxation also fosters patience and understanding. It gives you the "time out" you need to wind down from the day's many activities and switch into "neutral" - that wonderful, non-judgmental state where all things are possible, and you can feel good about yourself.
Here's a way to relax that is quite effective:
Sit in a comfortable chair, with both feet flat on the floor, legs parallel to each other, spine straight.
Your head will automatically balance itself on your neck, as if cradled by your spine - thus a head
rest on the chair is unnecessary. Shoulders and arms simply hang loose, as your hands lie
effortlessly atop your legs - or to one side. Eyes are closed.
l Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing your abdomen to fill to capacity with air. Establish a
breathing rhythm. With each inhalation affirm that you are protected and whole, and that all is
well. With each exhalation, affirm that all tension and stress, problems and concerns, are released.
l Move your consciousness to each area of your body, one section at a time, beginning with your
feet and ankles. In your mind's eye, envision your feet and ankles at peace and completely resting.
l Continue to move your consciousness, this time to the area of your lower legs, knees, upper legs,
and hips - relaxing each member as you do. Affirm complete and total peace for all.
l Now travel in consciousness to the trunk of your body, its many organs and functions. In your
mind's eye, focus on each section as you affirm the reality of its perfect peace, perfect rest.
l Next, become aware of your chest, back, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, and hands. Clearly focus on each member, knowing that it is resting and at peace.
l Your neck, head, face, and brain are now totally relaxed as well. Know that this is so. Feel it.
Affirm the peace that you are.
l While you drift in the joy of being completely relaxed, be aware that at some special spot within you is located your center - the very center of your being. Move your consciousness to that spot. Go there now. You know your center. You recognize the place. It is that part of you still connected to the purity that is God, the oneness of all creation. Your center is a place of radiance, of perfect love, perfect joy, perfect peace, perfect knowing. Just be there. Be in your center, safe and warm, secure in the knowledge that you are wonderful, and that you have the right to be who you are. For you are an expression of God's blessings, part of The Great Spirit and A Greater Plan for All Creation. When it feels right to leave your center and return to full conscious awareness, do so slowly, in steps, knowing that at the count of three you will be wide awake and ready to resume your day. Counting one. . . affirm that every part of your being is healed and whole. Counting two. . . feel surges of energy refreshing and reinvigorating your body. And counting three. . . eyes open; you are alert, joyful and happy.

The faculty of imagination is just as important to your health and well being as any other faculty you possess. Your imagination enables you to visualize possibilities, to act out in your mind and rehearse before you physically perform any given task. Athletes use this ability to great advantage, for it enables them to practice and prepare, over and over again, before they ever move a muscle or take a step. Artists of any kind also find this ability invaluable, since it is on the "canvas" of their imaginations that they initially splash their "paint" and explore the mystery of form. In science and in math, the imaginative faculty is what often proves to be the final connecting link, enabling problems to be solved that were formerly unsolvable. Einstein fully credits his imagination with producing the actual formula of E equals MC squared - the theory of relativity - that revolutionized the entire world of rational thought and scientific inquiry.
To exercise this incredible storehouse of invention and fun, create fanciful daydreams for yourself. Let your mind run wild. Don't try to make sense of anything. Just play. Pretend you are a child again, and see how creative you can be. Daydreaming helps you to visualize storylines.
To hone this ability, to discipline the imaginative process, train yourself to visualize carefully and in great detail. For example, place an apple on the table in front of you. Look at the apple. Note its contours, blemishes, features. Now close your eyes. Can you still see the apple? Does it look like it did when your eyes were open? Are there differences? Open your eyes and compare the real apple with the apple you saw in your mind's eye. Try again. Practice holding the image inside your head, until what exists in your imagination exactly matches what exists on the table in front of you. Practice with other items, even walk through unfamiliar environments, using the same technique, until you can visualize in your mind what you see with your eyes - with the same exact detail. Eventually your mind will catch on, and you will be able to imagine anything you want without ever having physically seen the item first. Expand this ability to include smell, taste, sounds, textures, and feelings. The better you can imagine, the more psychic you
can become. It all begins with the innocence of belief and the child-like desire to play.
The root word of "psychic" means "soul." Thus, psychic abilities are really soul abilities. The "gifts of spirit" you hear so much about are no different than psychic abilities. These gifts and talents differ only in the label you apply to them, in how they are used, and what for. Because it is so easy for thoughts of greed and selfishness to distort such gifts and talents, it is wise for all of us to remember this simple truth - we are not the author of the greatness which exists within us. The power of our being, the gifts and talents we possess, are merely on loan from The One Power, The Creator of All Things, the God within who doeth the work. Give the credit where it belongs. It has been said that "God can do no more for you than through you." This is true. We supply the "elbow grease," the initial effort. The rest unfolds in ways both magical and miraculous. That initial effort is based on our choice, our freedom to decide. As our free will is inviolate, so is everyone else's. No one has the right to interfere with or try to control the life of another. This is a universal law based on the sacredness of individual choice. The only person you can ever change is yourself. The only things you can ever really control are your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. Put your trust in the divinity of being and in your God-given right to improve yourself; strive to be all that you can be. You may want to investigate and learn various methods of how to meditate and pray affirmatively. Both skills are invaluable assets for a successful and satisfying life. WAYS TO USE YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES:
Give yourself fifteen to twenty minutes each day to practice the techniques presented in this article. Pick a time of day and a particular place in your residence where you can be alone without being disturbed. If How to Develop Your OwnPsychic Abilities you live with other people, politely request that no one interrupt you during your special periods of silence. Unplug your phone. Turn off the radio and television set. Practice what you have learned thus far
until your state of mind improves, and it is easier for you to relax, imagine, and feel comfortable with issues of trust and faith. After you have been doing this for awhile, test yourself. How quickly can you relax and still receive full benefit? Can you form clear images in your mind by simply deciding to, instantly? How confident are you of your ability to improve your life, to be all that you can be? Are you willing to trust your inner guidance? Are you willing to trust yourself? Are you willing to love yourself? Look in a mirror. See the eyes of perfection looking back. Say to your face in the mirror - "I love you. I appreciate you. I forgive you of any mistakes you have ever made. Today is a new day. The past is gone. I choose to begin anew, better, wiser, kinder than before. I choose the path of excellence because I am unlimited in how wonderful and productive and creative I can be. I treat others as I want to be treated. I respect the rights of others, and I choose to respect myself. I am grateful for my life, my health, and my intelligence."
When you resume activities, after your period of silent relaxation, notice the objects around you. Allow your vision to slip lightly past the first object you see, almost as if you were beginning to see double. Do you see anything unusual? Look again. Eventually you will begin to notice a white misty band of energy around the object, usually an inch wide, some times wider. Scan the room you're in. If you are still relaxed, you may notice that everything in your room has this same band of light surrounding its surface. This is an aura. Everything that exists has an aura; people, animals, objects, plants, the land. That misty band of light you see is caused by the speed that in individual or object is vibrating, and by their temperature and degree of consciousness. Many times, especially around people, the aura will be colored and have designs in it, such as rays or spirals. Artists throughout history have painted auric bands around the heads of wise leaders and saints, as a way to depict holiness. But the fact is, everyone and every thing has an aura - some larger than others. To test this, invite a few wall that is white or lightly colored. Remove all decorations so you have a blank surface. Dim the lights. Have one person stand with his or her back to the wall, looking straight ahead. This person should take a few deep, quick breaths to increase air capacity, and relax, empty of thought or expectation. The other people should stand at least half-a-room away from the person in front of the wall. When looking, allow your gaze to slip slightly past the individual, as if you are seeing double. Does an aura appear? Most people will see a white glow around the individual almost immediately. Some will see colors. Others will see designs in the colors. Have the individual in front of the wall move his or her consciousness to the left, then right, then high up near the ceiling. (This is done by the person deciding to; thinking makes it so.) Does that person's aura change location as his or her consciousness moves
around? Most people will see this, especially after practicing for awhile. Don't try too hard, though, as too much efforting actually blocks your ability to see an aura. Once you are able to see auras in dim light, you can begin to train yourself to see them in full light. Tell yourself you can do it and you can. Trust the process. It works. Find books about auras and read what is known about possible meanings to the colors and designs. Each color or hue seems to be reflective of how an individual feels, including moods and basic personality. Large, expansive auras of bright, clear colors are usually found around people with a lot of strength and How to Develop Your OwnPsychic Abilities charisma, and who are healthy. Training yourself to see auras can be a beneficial extra, especially if you are in the healing profession or work in sales and promotion.
Open your hands, bend your fingers somewhat, and bring both of your hands together, stopping just before the fingers of both hands touch each other. Relax, and blank your mind of thought. Can you feel anything between the palms of your hands? Is there any heat or energy movement pre sent between your finger tips? If you feel nothing, rub your hands together rapidly until you create some static electricity. Now, repeat the exercise. Bring your hands and fingers almost together, but not quite. Do you feel anything this time? Most people will feel something akin to a body of energy or a presence between the hands and fingers. Some recognize that this energy or presence is elastic, and that they can stretch it as they slowly move their hands further apart. The body of energy you feel is the power of your auric field. You can see the aura, as in the exercise you did before this; or you can touch it, in this simple hand demonstration. While you're looking for books on the aura, search also for books on healing hands, touch for health, or working within the auric field. Once you train yourself to sense and see this energy, there is
no limit to what you can accomplish once you put the skill to use. For instance, staying about three inches away from a person's body, you can glide your open hands through the air around that person, moving down the body to relax the individual, and moving up the body to energize the individual, until you have massaged the entire auric field of the person involved.
Historically, this kind of sharing, of helping another to feel more comfortable and cared for, was reserved only for religious or spiritual rituals, and practiced during services dedicated to healing. Now this type of knowledge is universal, and anyone who wishes to can practice the skill. The effectiveness of this gentle technique is incredible!
When distraught, confused, or nervous, use the relaxation technique given earlier (when you put your consciousness in your center). This time, once you have aligned yourself with your center, remain there for awhile, affirming and knowing that Divine Order is in effect, that you will be guided to take the right step and do the right thing that is the most appropriate for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned, when full consciousness returns. This is all you need to affirm. Be in your center, that place of perfection and wholeness. Relax and be. Invariably, once you are alert again, you will be guided or inspired in a positive way and any confusion you once had will either lessen or disappear. Train yourself to reach your center without much effort. A few deep breaths should be enough to free your mind from its present state, and take you there. Relaxation is the key. Intent is what makes it happen. I know a man who built his entire house using this technique. Knowing basic construction methods and with a few how-to books handy, this is what he did - each time he needed advice, he would clearly and in detail outline his problem within his mind's eye, and propose a question. Then he would sit down, take a few deep breaths, relax, blank his mind, and align his consciousness with the center of his being. His,
yours, mine, everyone's center is THE CENTER OF ALL KNOWINGNESS, all power, all wisdom, all perfection. And we can go there whenever we need aid or advice or assistance at any time, no matter where we are. When this man returned to his wide awake, alert state, he took the first thing that popped in his mind and actually did it. His finished house is one of the most ingenious dwellings I have seen, a tribute to the power we all have within us, if we would but tap into that wellspring of knowing within us and discipline ourselves in how to access what is there.
One way to clear your residence and your body of any distracting ener gies or unwanted spirit forms, is the following: relax fully and in your mind's eye imagine a giant circular disc. This disc is radiantly How to Develop Your OwnPsychic Abilities powerful, unbreakable, and functions as if a screen or sieve. Envision that this huge radiant disc is located in the ground below your residence, and that it is large enough to fully encompass your entire property. Now, slowly lift this disc with your mind (you do it by deciding to); silently tell it to lift. As it does, see and know that all discordant and distracting en ergies are caught in its sieve-like screen, and are
removed from your environment and from your body. Continue to see the disc lift higher and higher, until it has passed through your residence, your body, all objects, air space, walls, floors and ceilings, until it dissolves in the upper stratosphere, leaving no trace of any essence, spirit-form, or substance caught in it. Your environment is now clean and cleansed, and so are you. If you feel the need, repeat this exercise two more times. Open a few windows to let the air circulate freely. Place a house plant or bouquet of flowers in a central location to add that final touch of freshness and beauty. The circular disc technique is an example of using creative storylines (like when you practiced how to daydream), that can have an immediate and positive impact on your life. Another example of this is when you are about to have surgery. In a relaxed state, prepare your body for what is about to happen. Envision all parts of your body, each cell, listening to you and paying attention. Explain the surgery in detail, illustrating in your mind's eye that only what medication is needed will be utilized, and anything else will be immediately flushed out of your system. Show your body how appropriate this surgery is, and how
much better it will be able to perform once it has healed. Affirm Divine Order, that all medical personnel will accomplish their tasks ably and efficiently and without difficulty.
When the surgery is over, rehearse any movement you might make in your mind first, and in detail, before you actually do it. Rolling over, sitting up, going to the bathroom, eating, bathing, whatever. During your psychic rehearsals, affirm and know that as each movement and task is made, there will be little or no pain, and you will be able to accomplish that movement without risk or problem. Make no exceptions. Practice in your mind's eye before you do anything, all the while imagining a speedy and safe recovery. In most cases, a technique like this will bring about stunning successes and incredibly rapid healing. Surprise your doctor, try it! Thank you for reading this article, and for taking the time to do whatwas suggested. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you use your psychic abilities, the broadertheir range and the greater your accuracy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Indigo children, who...????

Indigo children are children who, according to some, especially those in the New Age movement, represent a higher state of human evolution. The term itself is a reference to the belief that such children have an indigo colored aura. Beliefs concerning the exact nature of Indigo children vary, with some believing that they have paranormal abilities such as the ability to read minds, and others that they are distinguished from non-Indigo children merely by more conventional traits such as increased empathy and creativity.

The term Indigo children originates from the 1982 book "Understanding Your Life Through Color," by Nancy Ann Tappe, a self-styled synesthete and pshycic, who claimed to possess the ability to perceive people's auras. She wrote that during the mid 1960's she began noticing that many children were being born with "indigo" auras. Today, she estimates that 60 percent of people age 14 to 25 and 97 percent of children under ten are "Indigo.

According to New Age belief, Indigo children are highly sensitive with a c

lear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures. They are empathic and can easily detect or are in tune with the thoughts of others, and are naturally drawn to matters concerning mysteries, spirituality, the paranormal and the occult, while opposing unquestioned authority and contradictory to convention. They tend to think outside the box, and are often referred to as "system busters." Indigos allegedly possess wisdom and level of awareness "beyond their years." They are also said to have a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here."

Some beliefs hold that they are often labeled with the psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorrder(ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD) and also Autism, and that they become unsociable when not around other Indigo Children. They are also believed to be prone to depression and sleep disorders such as insomnia and persistent nightmares. Indigo children also possess defining characteristics in learning; indigos tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners so remember best what they can picture in their brain and create with their hands. Movement is required to keep them better focused.

As a summary, here are the ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo Child
  • They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
  • They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
  • Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."
  • They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
  • They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
  • They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
  • They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
  • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
  • They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
  • They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

the borneo tattoo

It seems you can put a tattoo anywhere on your body. Here the ancient Dayak had them on his back, including the small backside. Try it and be really outstanding in your exotic taste and new fashion trend.
Travel to Borneo by Malaysia Airlines or Air Asia and get your travel gears and tour guides.
The Dayak tattoos in the olden days came with its own exotic hairstyle that was fashionable. There was no hair saloon then but they did have hair specialists in the longhouse somewhere. So expand your business with a hair saloon next door.

Motorcycle Land Speed Record Pushed to 350 Mph

December 5, 2006 Denis Manning’s motorcycles have been chasing world land speed records for over three decades and in September, the BUB 7 Streamliner he designed and built captured the ultimate goal when it set the new absolute motorcycle land speed record at Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats. Rider Chris Carr piloted the BUB 7 streamliner to 354.832 mph on the down run and 346.939 mph on the return for an average speed of 350.885 mph, a new world record. Prior to the 2006 BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials the absolute motorcycle land speed record had not been broken since Dave Campos achieved his 322.149 mph world record run in 1990.

Of course, building the world's fastest motorcycle from the ground up is nothing new to Manning. In 1970 another Manning-built streamliner earned the title of world's fastest motorcycle. That machine was driven 265.492mph by legendary road racer Cal Rayborn.

In over 30 years of chasing land speed records Denis Manning, and his team, have overcome some unique challenges in order to reach success. In September 2007, they will once more return to the salt to defend their absolute motorcycle land speed title at the fourth annual gathering of the world’s fastest motorcycles, the BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials scheduled for September 2 – 6, 2007. Competitors from around the globe will again meet on the Utah’s legendary Bonneville Salt Flats. The FIM (Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme) and AMA (American Motorcyclist Association) sanctioned event is the only land speed racing meet solely dedicated to motorcycles, offering the world’s top builders and racers the opportunity to break world and national speed records.

Denis Manning, a 2006 inductee in the Motorcycle Hall of Fame, is the designer, builder, and owner of the BUB #7 streamliner – and no stranger to record-breaking speed. In 1970 another Manning-designed streamliner was the fastest motorcycle in the world. That year Cal Rayborn piloted Manning’s streamliner at the Bonneville Salt Flats to a two-way average of 265.492.

The current world-record setting BUB streamliner, the “#7” sponsored by Drag Specialties & Parts Unlimited, is so named because it is the seventh streamliner Denis Manning has designed and crafted. The streamliner features numerous engineering firsts, including a 3000cc, 425hp engine purpose-designed and built for land speed racing. Says Manning, “The goal is to continue developing and testing the #7 streamliner. We hope to retain the record at the next BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials. Our dedication and hard-work paid off this year. I have no doubt next year will be just as exciting.”